Enhancing operative and strategic stakeholder engagement is important especially in international development cooperation and multi-stakeholder settings. Going beyond classical change management towards Transformative Collaboration is key to achieve that. The CLI Project Teams Transformative Collaboration course is focusing on the self-, system-, and process-levels for facilitating change and transformative collaboration, and offers an applicable understanding of the © Collective Leadership Compass and the © Dialogic Change Model that can used for present and future challenges
Your key take-aways:
- Understand the importance of collective leadership for creating transformative change
- Learn about the concept of stakeholder collaboration with the Dialogic Change Model
- Build commitment among stakeholders for goal setting and preparing key dialogic events
- Understand success factors for stakeholder collaboration and know how to monitor the quality of transformative collaboration
- Produce an action plan on promoting stakeholder collaboration for your project case
The training schedule for presence days is:
12 November: The Concept of Collective Leadership
13 November: The Concept and different Forms of Stakeholder Collaboration
14 November: Exploring and Engaging, Building and Formalizing Stakeholder Collaboration
15 November: Navigating Differences, Implementing and Evaluating Stakeholder Collaboration
+++ Important information +++
This training is planned as an in-person event in Potsdam, Germany. It is especially made for project teams of 3+ persons, or for participating with your project partners. Individual registrations are possible. However, we recommend to participate the hybrid Art of Stakeholder Collaboration course if you intend to participate on your own.
CLI reserves the right to change an in-person participation into an online participation if you do not get your visa on time or other short-term notice reasons prevent you from coming to the course venue. Furthermore, the same applies if new pandemic situations occur that do not allow your participation on-site. Registrations remain valid in any of the cases given. We will come back to you individually in such situations and find the best possible solutions together.