The Art of Stakeholder Collaboration – online West Africa Time (WAT)
Designing Processes for Achieving Common Goals
16 November 9:00 am — 20 November 2020 4:00 pm

- 4 days of online-training
- core methodology: CLI Dialogic Change Model
- tuition fee: € 350 per online presence day
Registration status: CLOSED

Stakeholder Collaboration has been recognised as critical to finding solutions to the complex challenges of sustainable development. The Art of Stakeholder Collaboration is the foundation course to the Collective Leadership Institute’s Skills Development Programme. In this course, you will build your strategic abilities and implementation skills in stakeholder engagement, dialogue, and collaboration processes for high impact solutions.

Your key take-aways:

  • Learn how to successfully implement stakeholder collaboration through the application of the Dialogic Change Model
  • Understand the business case for co-creative stakeholder engagement
  • Learn how collective intelligence, commitment, and ownership can emerge
  • Produce a stakeholder network map to prioritise engagement activities
  • Develop new engagement strategies to minimise unproductive conflict and a methodology to create sustainable partnerships
The Art of Stakeholder Collaboration course contents
Overview of all modules and credits for certification

Download our one pager for a full overview of the course module the Art of Stakeholder Collaboration

Free information session Collective Leadership Specialist Programme

5 September 2024
2:00pm - 4:00pm Central European Time (CET)

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