Articles with tag "Future Possibilities"

Vernetzung und Unterstützung für ukrainische Geflüchtete in Deutschland

4-wöchiges Online-Training zur Stärkung von lokaler Dialog- und Zusammenarbeit

Better Together

Qualifizierungsprogramm für Vereine und Freiwilligeninitiativen in der Entwicklungspolitik, die Kompetenzen im digitalen Dialog und im Aufbau von Partnerschaften erwerben


"DIGIPEER" is a digital peer-learning capacity building program that helps German development NGOs (direct target group) and their international partners implement projects in a more collaborative, effective, and results-oriented manner.

Short Courses

Introductions to collective leadership and stakeholder collaboration

Feasibility Studies

Analysing your collaboration system

On-site Courses

CLI's training programmes come to you

Annual Reports

The Collective Leadership Institute annual reports detail the year's activities.

Stay informed

CLI news, updates, and web platforms

Movement Building

Young Leaders for Sustainability

The world is changing. So is leadership.