Conference 2 – Structures
Conference 2 - Structures 03 Mar | 2 - 4 PM CET
How do we organize collective stewardship of change?

To bring out the best in people, invigorate the human spirit, and create tangible results in complex collaborations we must build well-organized engagement processes. We might regenerate organizations, improving their governance mechanisms, or foster local and global transformation networks. It is by bringing stakeholders together in a structure that enables a culture of collective action and by fostering a result-oriented partnerships that we transform what seemed impossible transformative change into reality. How can we leverage the potential of networks for dynamic change?

Documentation Video
Dr. Petra Kuenkel
Introduction to the Conference - What is transformation literacy? Why are structures so important?

Dr. Petra Kuenkel

Global Transformation and Leadership Expert; Member of the Executive Committee, Club of Rome, Founder, Collective Leadership Institute, Fellow World Academy of Arts and Science

Dr. Petra Kuenkel is a thought-leader, renowned author, and leading strategic advisor for multi-stakeholder approaches in global sustainable transformations. As an executive committee member of the Club of Rome and founder of the Collective Leadership Institute she empowers leaders to take decisive action for our planetary future. Her academically grounded key note speeches inspire audiences worldwide with ideas for actionable pathways to a better world. Her ground-breaking publications focus on transformation literacy, stakeholder partnerships, collective stewardship and life-serving new economic architectures.

Picture ©Christian Jaeggi

Supriya Singh
Keynote conversation: Stewarding change - ‍What empowers companies to become stewards of transformative change?

Supriya Singh

CSR & Sustainability Leader; Former Global Head – CSR, Tata Communications; Doctoral Researcher on Transformative Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships at the Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen Nuremberg

Supriya Singh is an expert and seasoned leader of CSR and Business Sustainability strategies, governance, communications, partnership approaches and creating impact at scale. With a global experience of over 17 years in business, civil society and academia, she is known for triggering transformations within organizations and in communities. Her bold, farsighted and innovative approach towards internal change management on CSR including engaging C-suite, Board directors and influencers has led to significant changes in business practice, making her one of the leading practitioners in her field.

Tara Nitz
Keynote conversation: Pioneering circular economies - How can companies pioneer circular economy strategies?

Tara Nitz

Circular Economy, Climate and Energy Lawyer, Industry & sustainability expert in the chemical industry, Sustainability Positioning & Advocacy Lead for a global material producer‍

Tara is an expert in industry transformation pathways and policy frameworks in the area of climate, energy and circular economy. She advocates for greater and robust transparency frameworks on the climate and environmental footprints of economic activities throughout all value chains as prerequisite for concerted business action towards climate neutrality. Tara is a lawyer and has several years of experience working in the energy and chemical industry.

Interactive session - How can multi-stakeholder partnerships between companies and NGOs accelerate change?
Mai ElAshmawy
Structures in practice - When do networks help us steward transformative change?

Mai ElAshmawy

Collective Leadership Hub Egypt

Ms. Mai ElAshmawy is passionate about contributing positively to change processes on personal, national, and regional levels. She is talented in analyzing the policies, structures, and needs of diverse stakeholder systems. In such contexts, she is experienced in collaborating closely with key actors in co-developing communication strategies and work methodologies that lead from the inception of ideas to their implementation. Based in Cairo, Ms. ElAshmawy works as a freelance developer and communications expert across the Mediterranean Region. She is accredited by the Collective Leadership Institute as a Collective Leadership Facilitator and draws heavily on her strong conceptual and practical knowledge of stakeholder engagement in all her work

Eman Ahmad Mashhour
Transitioning to a more competitive and renewable electricity market - Enlivening The Electricity Market Transition Plan in Egypt

Eman Ahmad Mashhour

General Manager for Media and Awareness at Egyptian Electricity Utility and Consumer Protection Regulatory Agency (EgyptEra)

Eman is a core member within the secretariat of Arab Electricity Regulators Forum (AERF) since 2014 and the communication officer responsible for liaising with MedReg since 2018. She has held several positions as the head of financial department, responsible for the capacity building of EgyptEra’s staff and coordinating EgyptEra’s activities with Egyptian German Committee (JCEE). Eman holds MBA from Ain Shams University, a Diploma in regulating Energy Utilities from Florence School of Regulation, a BSc in Business, Ain Shams University, Egypt.

Oumaima Selmi‍
Building a powerful youth network in Tunisia - How collaborative civil society approaches can become influential actors

Oumaima Selmi

Civil Society Activist

Oumaima is a project coordinator and a member of the board in the We Love Kairouan association based in Kairouan, Tunisia. She is a Certified Collective Leadership Specialist and accredited facilitator as well as  civil society activist with years of experience of working in tandem with national and international NGOs.

Interactive session - Pathways to collective stewardship
Outlook - Where from here?

Around the world, people work in structures ranging from hierarchical and administrative to egalitarian and collaborative. For transformations to a thriving world to happen, we must empower those structures that enhance transformations and devise new structures that enable us to work together in a more effective way.

Cross-institutional alliances and collaborations between governments, businesses and NGOs are a novel answer to the challenges we face. But is this enough? Transformation literacy enables us to organize networks across sectors and institutions to drive tangible changes – locally, nationally, and globally. It helps us understand how transformation networks can become successful so that they truly help us make a difference together.

“What sets transformation networks apart from other types of networks is that they bring together multi-stakeholder initiatives, partnerships, existing platforms and communities in a transformation system that develops strategic networked action.”

Elisabeth Kühn, author of Small scale and large scale – why networks are the cornerstone of transformations
When do networks help us steward transformative change?

Networks serve as enabling structures that help us overcome silo-thinking. They support our ability to steward transformative change collectively if we acknowledge plural approaches, respect different expertise, yet develop mutually supportive strategies. In transformation networks the pro-active engagement for a thriving future is everybody’s task. This happens when

  • the purpose is shared by all and create collective value;
  • the structures are dynamic and ensure dialogic exchange;
  • the network creates novel pathways and achieves contextual impact.

It is at this point that the network becomes more than the sum of its members – together we leverage the network for influence and practical collective action across sectors and institutions.

In this conference session, we will explore which processes and structures for engagement help to get us active, collaborate, and steward transformative change together.

More information about implementing Transformation literacy in reality