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4, 7 April 2025 - 4th Transformation Literacy Conference (Registration open!)

CLI’s Transformation Literacy Conference week 2025: Empowering Metrics and Enlivening Narratives for Achieving Sustainable Development Goals will take place on 4 and 7 April 2025.
It will be kicked off on 4 April 2025 in the afternoon and evening with an in-person event in Potsdam (Berlin and surrounding area), where the Transformative Partnership Award will be awarded to its second winner.

The conference theme “Empowering Metrics and Enlivening Narratives for Achieving SDGs” focuses on how metrics and narratives influence goal-setting and -achievement and presents distinguished speakers on innovative approaches in these areas – all contributing to empowering metrics and enlivening narratives. In total we expect again 300 from all over the world participating the 4th edition of the Transformation Literady Conference.

You will find more information soon at the Transformation Literacy event page.

Highlights of past Events at CLI
26 November 2024 in Berlin - Democracy in War: Resilience and Future of Ukraine's Democratic Institution

The German-Ukrainian Bureau (DUB), in partnership with Democracy Reporting International, held a series of in-depth workshops and a panel discussion in Berlin focused on the resilience of Ukrainian democracy under the strain of Russia’s ongoing military aggression. The conference convened Ukrainian and German experts, including policymakers, civil society leaders, legal analysts, and media representatives, for an in-depth exchange on the state of Ukraine’s wartime governance.

CLI participated the open evening panel discussion and networking reception.

More information:

7 November 2024 in Berlin - Colonial History and its Impact on the Future: Different Perspectives on Russia's Decolonization

After an introduction about Indigenous people of Russia by Seseg Jigjitova (Republic of Buryatia), Dankhaiaa Khovalyg (Republic of Tuva) were discussing Russia’s colonial past from an indigenous perspective as part of the decolonial movement in Russia. Sacks Stuurman contributed his expertise from a South African viewpoint. We were addressing the following questions: How can we learn from each other? What is the impact of Russian recruitment policy and state propaganda on indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation and in postcolonial countries abroad? What does decoloniality mean for different countries?

The event was organized by the Nobel prize winning NGO Memorial. Speakers: Seseg Jigjitova, Dankhaiaa Khovalyg, Sacks Stuurman. CLI was contributing by moderating this event.

18:00-20:00 at Haus der Demokratie, Robert-Havemann-Saal, Greifswalder Straße 4, 10405 Berlin. Entrance is free.

7-8 October 2024 - Hamburg Sustainability Conference

Themed “A New Era of Sustainability Alliances”, the Hamburg Sustainability Conference aims to unite policymakers and business Leaders to accelerate SDG performance. CLI’s Elisabeth Kuehn was there to discuss the importance of sustainability alliances with strategic partners.

More information about the Hamburg Sustainability Conference:

23-27 September 2024 - CLI Roadshow Eastern Europe

After the success of CLI’s roadshow to Poland and Albania in 2023, CLI again met the increased demand for CLI’s collaboration and partnership methodologies from the region and therefore will was present with CLI’s director Martin Fielko. The following free information services were offered:

  • Presentation (approx. 2h): CLI methodologies Collective Leadership Compass and Dialogic Change Model will be presented to groups of 5+ people.
  • Case Clinic (approx. 1/2 day): Mini-workshop for project teams to work and brainstorm with the models mentioned above on a concrete project challenge, especially for project teams who potentially collaborate with CLI afterwards
  • Individual chats (30min – 2h): Open for all topics that you would like to discuss with us, max. 4 people at once

The cities of this year’s tour were: Chisinau, Razeni, Warsaw, Krakow.

If you are a development cooperation professional, or active in international collaboration and dialogue, and want to meet us at the upcoming CLI Roadshows, feel free to contact martin.fielko[at]

25-29 August 2024 - World Water Week in Stockholm

The 2024 theme of the World Water Week (WWW) was “Bridging Borders: Water for a Peaceful and Sustainable Future”. CLI’s Douglas F. Williamson and Cholpon Aitakhunova were there and hosted a collective leadership session.

More information about the WWWeek:

24-25 June 2024 - International Anti-Corruption Collective Action Conference

The 5th International Anti-Corruption Collective Action Conference was held in Basel, Switzerland, on 24 and 25 June 2024.

CLI’s co-executive director Martin Fielko gave an input on collective action for a breakout session on 24 June afternoon.

For more information, visit the conference website:

22 May 2024 - Leadership und Resilienz Auftakt (Leadership and Resilience Kick-off) online in German
Am 22. Mai um 16 Uhr präsentierten wir unser neues kostenloses Online-Programm!
In Zusammenarbeit mit Engagement Global gGmbH haben wir das ‘Leadership & Resilienz Training – Führungskompetenzen in unsicheren Zeiten’ entwickelt. In einer Welt voller Herausforderungen ist es wichtig, resilient zu bleiben und den Wandel aktiv zu gestalten. Mit unserem Programm bieten wir eine neue Art des Denkens über Leadership an – basierend auf kollektiver Führung und eine unserer Kern Methodologien: dem Kompass für kollektive Führung.
Bist du bereit, die Zukunft der Entwicklungspolitik mitzugestalten und deine Führungskompetenzen zu stärken? Erfahre mehr über das Programm.
22, 24, 26 April 2024 - 3rd Transformation Literacy Conference (Register now!)

CLI’s Transformation Literacy Conference week 2024: Localizing SDG Transformations was taking place on 22, 24, 26 April 2024.
It was kicked off on 19 April 2024 in the afternoon and evening with an in-person event in Potsdam (Berlin and surrounding area), where the Transformative Partnership Award was presented and awarded to the South African initiative Play Africa.

The conference theme “Localizing SDG Transformations” focused on how different forms of transformation efforts, such as networks, partnerships, and global meta-collaborations – all contribute to localizing the SDGs. In total > 400 people registered and 304 from 80 countries participated.

You will find more information at the Transformation Literacy event page.

15-17 January 2024 - Food Systems Transformation Lab in Berlin

As part of its Transforming Food Systems towards Healthier Diets and Greater Sustainabilty programme GIZ held an international Food Systems Transformation Lab conference in Berlin 15-17 January 2024.

CLI was invited to give an input and workshop on “Collective Leadership for Food Systems Transformations” on 16 January which was facilitated by Dominic Stucker with support of Cholpon Aitakhunova and Martin Fielko.

7-15 November 2023 - CLI Roadshow Eastern Europe and Western Balkans

CLI recognized an increased demand for its collaboration and partnership methodologies from the Eastern Europe and Western Balkans region. Therefore, CLI’s directors Elisabeth Kuehn and Martin Fielko were present in the region in November and offered the following free information services:

  • Presentation (approx. 2h): CLI methodologies Collective Leadership Compass and Dialogic Change Model will be presented to groups of 5+ people.
  • Case Clinic (approx. 1/2 day): Mini-workshop for project teams to work and brainstorm with the models mentioned above on a concrete project challenge, especially for project teams who potentially collaborate with CLI afterwards
  • Individual chats (30min – 2h): Open for all topics that you would like to discuss with us, max. 4 people at once

The two cities of this year’s tour were: Warsaw (for collaboration projects in Poland and Ukraine), Tirana (for collaboration projects in Albania and regional Western Balkan projects).

If you are a development cooperation professional, or active in international collaboration and dialogue, and want to meet us for future CLI Roadshows, feel free to conact martin.fielko[at]


13 October 2023 - Round Table Development Cooperation Policy Brandenburg

CLI was present at the 13th Round Table for Development Cooperation in Brandenburg. This is a consultation event between politics and civil society actors from Brandenburg, the German federal state where CLI’s HQ is located.

This year’s meeting monitored the status of implementation of the local sustainability agenda, as well as activities of local development cooperation CSOs.

More information (in German):

26-27 September 2023 - GIZ Future Forum

The GIZ Future Forum is a yearly event that stands for capacity development, collaboration and co-creation. The event brings together experts from all over the world working at and with GIZ as well as interested partners, commissioning parties, related consultancies and organizations.

CLI was present at GIZ Future Forum 2023 and excited to exchange with colleagues and partners from Germany’s development cooperation agency. A basic information about the event is available at GIZ’s website..

May 2023 - Networks Festival

Across the entire month of May 2023, thousands of people from around the world came together both online and offline to deepen our understanding of how we leverage relationships to transform our world – and practice doing it together. ​The networks festival was a mixture of exhibitions, interactive workshops, local field trips, and collaborative games all about how we amplify social change through networks.​

As a member of the Fito Network, CLI was joining with CoCreativeCollective MindCreative MetierInternational Alumni Center gGmbH (iac Berlin)The Global Knowledge Initiative, Network Weaver, Tamarack Institute for Community EngagementUnity Effect , Wasan Community – Together Institute, The Weaving Lab, and Converge Network to co-create this playful, transformative experience! Learn more and join us!.

4 May 2023 - Enhancing Aliveness for Individual and Systems Transformation

On Thursday, 4 May at 11:00-12:30pm EST / 5:00-6:30pm CET,  CoCreative was hosting CLI’s Managing Partner, Dominic Stucker, to guide a discussion on how patterns of aliveness in ourselves, our teams, our organizations, and our stakeholder systems are essential for bringing about transformative change.

Applying the Collective Leadership Compass can help us become more aware of, navigate, and enhance these patterns for co-creating results-oriented cultures of dialogue and collaboration. Entry points for enhancing aliveness vary from person to person and from stakeholder system to stakeholder system, and evolve throughout a complex change process.

Learn more. Donations support Multicultural BRIDGE.

24, 26, 28 April 2023 - Transformation Literacy Conference II

The Transformation Literacy Conference week 2023: Governance and Democracy took place on 24, 26, 28 April 2023. There was also an in-person kick-off-event Potsdam (Berlin/area), Germany, on 21 April 2023 afternoon and evening with a book and award launch.

The theme of the conference was “Governance and Democracy”. You will find more information at the Transformation Literacy event page.

More than 260 participants from 62 countries joined #TLC2023.

7-9 December 2022 - World for Ukraine Summit in Rzeszów-Jasionka, Poland

Maryana Zaviyska gave an input on the situation of civil society in Ukraine on this summit and was present there on behalf of CLI.

More information about the event in Rzeszów-Jasionka, Poland:

5-7 December 2022 - Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum Annual Assembly in Prague, Czech Republic

The 14th edition of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum Annual Assembly’s theme was “Reslient Civil Society for a more ambitious Eastern Partnership” and took place in Prague.

CLI’s Martin Fielko hosted a session on 6 December 16:00-18:00 on “How to foster stakeholder relations and collaboration for peacebuilding and peacekeeping in the Eastern Partnership countries”.

More information about the event:

14th - 15th September 2022 - Circular Futures Festival

From September 14-15, 2022, the second Circular Futures Festival took place and our colleagues Alina Grün and Katharina Maier held an online workshop at the Circular Futures Festival on September 15 from 12:00-13:00 – with an exciting practical example from Anika Oppermann, who is not only an expert in topic of reusable materials but also a certified Collective Leadership Specialist.

During the session “Enabling System Transformation with the Collective Leadership Compass” participants learned about the success factors for collaboration processes that are necessary for the development, planning and implementation of multi-actor collaborations for Circular Economy at large scale.

In addition, Anika Oppermann shared her practical example of how she is driving systemic change for more reuse in Germany using the CLI’s core methodology the Collective Leadership Compass.

Additionally, participants were invited to work with the Collective Leadership Compass themselves and apply the success factors to their context.

This session was held in German language.

2 March 2022 - Illuminating Leadership Festival

CLI was present at the Illuminating Leadership Festival – an online conference organised by Collective Leadership Scotland that ran from 28 February to 3 March 2022.

On 2 March at 10:00 BST CLI hosted a session on “Community Empowerment and local government: A collective leadership network“.

17th November 2021 - Global Compact Network Germany event in Berlin / hybrid

The next networking event of the German UN Global Compact Network (DGCN-Teilnehmerkonferenz) was held on 17 November 2021 in Berlin in a hybrid format. CLI was represented by Martin Fielko. More information (in German) here.

11th - 14th October 2021 - European SDG Summit online

The #SDGSUMMIT was organised by CSR Europe and gathered companies and stakeholders from government, NGOs, research, and other fields to discuss topics on climate action and just transition. More information here.

6th September 2020 Stream Around The Clock: Online Conference WE NEED A CHANGE - Opportunities and challenges of the coming crises

In the context of #StreamAroundTheClock Gitta Peyn, Kristin Eissfeldt, Conny Dethloff and Martin Geisenhainer talk with international experts from economy, politics and health about the exciting and important questions of our time at the Online Conference WE NEED A CHANGEOpportunities and challenges of the coming crises.

On 6th of September 2020 at 9:00 AM CEST,  CLI’s Project manager Alina Gruen gave an input followed by a panel discussion with Dr. Jan Bellermann, Prof. Marc Lucas, Regina Brand, Nikola Danaylov,  and Heiko Veit on Leadership in crisis. Gitta Peyn and Kristin Eissfeldt moderated this session.

This conference will be organized by Leanbase and FORMWELTen-Institut.

Leadership in Crisis with Alina Gruen's input
10th October 2019 - Global Goals Forum Berlin - Are we running out of time?

The Macondo Foundation – in cooperation with the German Global Compact Network – is organising a conference on the current status of SDG implementation in Berlin. Our  colleague Sabine Heckmann facilitated the workshop session on the topic “Partnerships for the Goals“. Find more information on the event website:


Am 9. September 2020 von 10:00 bis 11:00 Uhr (deutscher Zeit) hat CLI’s Projektmanagerin Alina Gruen ein Webinar zum Thema Stakeholder Engagement – Nachhaltigkeit weiterdenken und gemeinsame Ziele erreichen gehalten.

Webinar Beschreibung:

Die von den Vereinten Nationen 2015 verabschiedeten 17 SDGs bieten als globales Zielsystem einen Kompass für die Herausforderungen des 21. Jahrhunderts. Für das Erreichen der SDGs ist ein aktiver Beitrag der Wirtschaft essentiell zumal die SDGs Unternehmen Chancen aufzeigen sich zukunftsfähig aufzustellen. Die Innovationskraft von Ziel 17 benennt explizit Multi-Stakeholder Partnerschaften als Kernelement um die SDGs zu erreichen. Für Unternehmen bietet der Austausch mit Stakeholdern und betroffenen Gruppen ein Kernelement um die eigenen Auswirkungen auf Mensch und Umwelt zu erkennen und zu verstehen.

Das Webinar bietet:
– Einblick in das Dialogic Change Modell, um Ihre Stakeholder Engagement Strategie zu planen und umzusetzen
– Erfolgsfaktoren für gelungenes Stakeholder Engagement
– Praxisbeispiele aus Unternehmenskontexten
– Beantwortung Ihrer Fragen während und nach dem Webinar

Das Webinar richtet sich an Mitarbeiter*innen aus CSR-, Einkaufs-, PR- und HR-Abteilungen die sich mit dem Thema Stakeholder Engagement fachlich auseinandersetzen.

Das Webinar ist kostenfrei und öffentlich zugänglich und wurde in Kooperation mit dem Deutschen Global Compact durchgeführt.

27th June 2019 - Collective Leadership in Egypt: Co-Creating Collaboration Ecosystems for Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

CLI presented its approach to building collaboration capacity in complex change initiatives, shared stories from recent partnerships in Egypt, and heard testimonials from change leaders from within the Egyptian change initiative processes. There was time for questions and answers, as well as an interactive activity involving all participants. The event was held in English, with the availability of bilingual Arabic & English printed material.

Participation in this event was by invitation only. For more information please contact

18th - 19th June 2019 - European Development Days in Brussels, Belgium

CLI attended Europe’s leading forum on development. More information about the conference at On 19th June, our colleague Martin Fielko participated in the conference. Feel free to make an appointment for future EDDs.

6th - 8th May 2019 - EU-Russian Civil Society Forum General Assembly in Bratislava, Slovakia

CLI was present at this conference to foster relationships and dialogue between European and Russian NGOs. More information at Our colleague Martin Fielko participated in the conference.

12th - 13th April 2019 - Interactive Lecture "Leading Transformative Change for Sustainability I" at the University of applied Science Konstanz, Germany

On the 12th – 13th April 2019 Project Manager Alina Gruen gave an interactive lecture at the University of applied Science Konstanz, Germany.

In the interactive lecture “Leading Transformative Change for Sustainability I” students from the study programmes Environmental Technology and Resource Management (Bachelor level), Process and Environmental Engineering (Bachelor level), Environmental Engineering (Master level), Process and Environmental engineering (Master level) and external change actors from the region from private and public sector as well as civil cociety git their first insights about the Collective Leadership Compass  and the Dialogic Change Model as methods that help to professionally prepare and stewarding transformation processes  and involve different Stakeholder in co-creative collaboration processes towards sustainable development. Students and practicioners worked together to prepare their own real life change initiatives using the above named methods.

29th -30th January 2019 - Sustainable Development Goals in the Activities of NGOs

CLI was present at this conference in St. Petersburg (Russia) to exchange with NGOs from Russia, Finland and Latvia on SDG implementation. CLI’s contribution had a focus on SDG 17.

Contact person: Alina Gruen

23rd - 24th November 2018 - Lecture at the University of applied Science Neubrandenburg

On the 23rd – 24th Novemebr 2018 Project Manager Alina Gruen gave at the University of applied Science Neubrandenburg , Germany.

In the study programme Digitization and Social Structural Change at the University of applied Science Neubrandenburg, Project Manager Alina Gruen gave lectures in the field of Change Management.

Please find more information here.

11th October 2018 - Participants Conference organized by the Global Compact "Unternehmen 2030: Zielkonflikte lösen - Leitbilder schaffen"

On the 11th October 2018 the participants conference  organized by the Global Compact Germany took place in Berlin, Germany. Our colleague Martin Fielko participated in the conference with the topic “Unternehmen 2030: Zielkonflikte lösen – Leitbilder schaffen”/” Company 2030: Resolving conflicting goals – creating mission statements”.


5th October 2018 - Lecture at the University of applied Science Neubrandenburg

On the 5th October 2018 Project Manager Alina Gruen will give lectures at the University of applied Science Neubrandenburg , Germany.

In the study programme Digitization and Social Structural Change at the University of applied Science Neubrandenburg, Project Manager Alina Gruen will give lectures in the field of Change Management.

Please find more information here.

11th - 13th September 2018 - Zukunft Personal Europe

From 11. – 13. September 2018 the conference “Zukunft Personal Europe” took place in Cologne. Our colleagues Sabine Heckmann (live virtual) and Martin Fielko (live on site) were at the conference. Working with the WBS Academy, Sabine and Martined explained how we want to step into digitalization and create live online seminars to make our courses even easier and accessible globally.

17th - 18th August 2018 - Lecture at the University of applied Science Neubrandenburg

On the 17th – 18th August 2018 Project Manager Alina Gruen gave lectures at the University of applied Science Neubrandenburg , Germany.

In the study programme Digitalization and Social Structural Change at the University of applied Science Neubrandenburg, Project Manager Alina Gruen gave lectures in the field of Leadership .

Please find more information here.

19th - 21 st September 2017 Zukunft Personal / HR Fair

The Zukunft Personal in Cologne is Europe’s hot spot for HR decision-makers. More than 16,000 HR professionals are expected to come to the fair. The topics covered range from recruiting and human resource services through work-related training courses, leadership and employment law to human resource software and the future of the workplace.

CLI’s Martin Fielko was at the Zukunft Personal on 19th September for meetings with HR professionals, as well as training providers. If you are interested in our training programmes for the private sector, feel free to contact: martin.fielko[at]

More information about the Zukunft Personal fair:

13th June 2017 Kooperation: Gemeinsam gehen und stärker werden
Auf der Veranstaltung Kooperation: Gemeinsam gehen und stärker werden wird der Frage “Was macht eine gelungene Kooperation aus und welche Perspektiven ergeben sich aus dem Zusammenwirken unterschiedlicher Handlungsfelder?” nachgegangen. Sabine Heckmann, Projektmanagerin CLI, hat einen Vortrag über “Kooperationskompetenz -Wie tragfähige Partnerschaften entstehen” gehalten.
23rd to 25th May 2017 Collective Impact Forum

The Collective Impact Forum, an initiative of FSG and the Aspen Institute Forum for Community Solutions, was the field’s premier annual collective impact convening on May 23-25, 2017, in Boston.

IWaSP Second Annual Partner Exchange on “Collective Leadership for Water Security: Strengthening multi-stakeholder collaboration for achieving common goals” Kampala, Uganda 25-26 October 2016

To deal with the complex and urgent challenges of water security, a new leadership paradigm – collective leadership – is required that recognises the diversity of involved actors as a strength, pools and leverages resources, and improves collaboration across sectors for achieving common goals. Indeed, collective leadership and effective partnerships are essential for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) from the local to the global levels.

Build your collaboration skills

CLIs courses in stakeholder collaboration and collective leadership are tried and tested. Find out about these courses in open or tailor-made formats.

Learn more
Highlights of past Events with Dr. Petra Kuenkel
25 May 2023 - Earth Charter: Systems Leadership and Transformation Literacy

On 25 May at 8:00am Costa Rica Time / 4:00pm CET, Dr. Petra Kuenkel gave an online masterclass on the topic: Systems Leadership and Transformation LiteracyHow understanding patterns of systems vitality becomes the cornerstone of transformative change initiatives

More information about the event


13 October 2022 - Global Goals Forum

CLI was present again at the Global Goals Forum, this time as an online conference. Petra Kuenkel gave a keynote speech there on “How can we balance planet, purpose and profit?”

More information on the 2022 edition of the Global Goals Forum and its speakers:

Participate in our open courses

The easiest way to learn and apply CLI's methodologies in stakeholder collaboration and collective leadership is to participate in one of our open courses.

Find your next course
24 Feb., 03 Mar., 10 Mar., 17 Mar., 24 Mar., 31 Mar., 2022 - Transformation Literacy Conference

It is high time for us to start stewarding together a future we can enjoy living in. The challenge in front of us is a monumental one, but we know that with the right approach we can act collectively to create a future where humankind is in balance with itself and the planet.

To confront such a challenge, we need tools that are not only grounded in science and practice but also available to everyone: we all need to become masters in the language of transformation. What needs to happen together to enable this transformation? This is the focus of the Transformation Literacy conference which explores six mutually supportive Transformation Enablers. In each event we will take a deep dive into one of the Transformation Enablers: each of them is a necessary component to become a transformation literacy master, yet their mutually supportive character means that we need to combine them to be able to clearly see the path and the actions needed to lead us collectively toward a better world.

Each of us can become Transformation Literacy masters and in so doing create a change-maker who knows how to collaborate across institutions and societal sectors for transformative change. It is by bringing together the six enablers that we can steward change together and make transformation possible. The video gives a short introduction to what you can expect from the first conference 'Narratives'.
Book Dr. Kuenkel as a Speaker

The new paradigm we must establish is about creating systems that bring out the best in us!
Book Dr. Petra Kuenkel as a passionate Keynote Speaker for your Event and get inspired by her mind changing and empowering speech.
Request available times from the German CLI Office: germany[at]

Learn more Dr. Petra Kuenkel as a Speaker
7th November 2021 - Keynote Dr. Petra Künkel at the Online Larnaca Conference

On 7th of November 2021 from 4:00 – 7:00 pm CET, Dr. Petra Künkel gave a Keynote speech about the topic Economy of the Future and afterwards exchanged thoughts with Regina Brand & Dr. Jan Bellermann at the panel discussion.

The topic included questions like: How and why the growth motivated and globally ruling economy of today fires our waste of energy and natural resources and thereby eats up our means to build the infrastructure of renewable energy for the future?

Enjoy watching the recorded speeches of Dr. Petra Kuenkel.

Videos in English language.

For more information, please contact alina.gruen[at] or visit the website FORMWELT – Larnaca Conferences Online.

Dr. Petra Kuenkel's Keynote on "Life Economies" at the Larnaca Conference
Panel Discussion at the Larnaca Conference
Breakout Session with Dr. Petra Kuenkel and Joanna Liu at the Larnaca Conference
22 September 2021 - Keynote at Potsdamer Weiterbildungstage

“Co-creative future design with the Collective Leadership Compass” (in German: Ko-kreative Zukunftsgestaltung mit dem Kompass für kollektive Führung) was the topic of Dr. Petra Kuenkel’s keynote at the further education days conference in Potsdam. More information (in German).

Enjoy watching the recorded Keynote speech of Dr. Petra Kuenkel  (in German).

Many thanks for the cooperation and support:

Event Host: City of Potsdam | Regional Advisory Board for Continuing Education | Weiterbildungs-Info-Laden
Organization: Goericke – Consulting for Strategy and Communication GmbH

Keynote von Dr. Petra Künkel für NACHHALTIGKEIT auf dem 10. Potsdamer Weiterbildungstag: "Ko-kreative Zukunftsgestaltung mit dem Kompass für kollektive Führung"
2nd March 2021 - Book Launch: Leading Transformative Change Collectively

On 2 March 2021 at 6:00pm CET, CLI organized a big online book launch event with experts and guests from all over the world.

More information is provided on Leading Transformative Change Collectively.

18th December 2020: Dr. Petra Kuenkel's Keynote on "A change of perspective" at the 10th Aniversary Congreso Futuro

On 18th December 2020, Dr. Petra Kuenkel gave a Keynote speech on  A change in perspective at the 10th Aniversary Congreso Futuro where she  explains the connection between the Corona crisis, the Climate crisis and digitalization and humans ability to embrace uncertainty through the support of new perspectives.

It’s now or never. Humanity needs solutions to the complex problems that affect it, and one discipline will not be enough to think about the new tomorrow.  This session makes visible the need to unite all fields of knowledge to find common solutions to these crisis for the common good.

Video reference: Congreso Futuro

Video in English language with subtitles in Spanish language

Dr. Petra Kuenkel's Keynote on "A change of perspective" at the 10th Aniversary Congreso Futuro
Collective Leadership Compass Tool

Use CLI's online compass tool to navigate complex change.
Access the compass tool for free:

Compass Tool
4th September 2020 Stream Around The Clock: Online Conference WE NEED A CHANGE - Opportunities and challenges of the coming crises

In the context of #StreamAroundTheClock Gitta Peyn, Kristin Eissfeldt, Conny Dethloff and Martin Geisenhainer talked with international experts from economy, politics and health about the exciting and important questions of our time at the Online Conference WE NEED A CHANGEOpportunities and challenges of the coming crises.

On 4th of September 2020 at 4:15 PM CEST, Dr. Petra Kuenkel gave a Keynote speech on Economy of the future and climate crisis and opened up the conversation with Thy-Diep Ta, Simon Maluki, Markus Will, David Wood, Stefan Bauer, Alex Schleber. Gitta Peyn and Rebekka Manos moderated this session.

Do you want to learn more about the report to the Club of Rome written by Dr. Petra Künkel? Please explore Stewarding Sustainability Transformations – An Emerging Theory and Practice of SDG Implementation to find out more about theory and practice of Collective Stewardship as a management tool that respects the integrity of human and natural systems with reference to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and the Planetary Boundaries. Drawing on the work of transdisciplinary scientific scholars and seasoned sustainability practitioners, it shows how transformative change can be built on life’s inherent tendency to generate patterns of vitality and resilience. This ground-breaking monograph shows workable pathways to stewarding patterns of aliveness in social and ecological systems at all levels of the global society.

Economy of the Future and Climate Crises by Dr. Petra Kuenkel
9th July 2020: Online Executive Committee Meeting of the international Club of Rome

On the 9th of July 2020, Dr. Petra Kuenkel co-organized and participated in the Online Executive Meeting of the international Club of Rome.

While the Corona Virus has caused disruptions in our personal and professional lives, it also invites us to be mutually supportive and innovate our way into a new future. Therefore, Dr. Petra Kuenkel and the CLI team take the chance and jump into the online journey to increase impact in sustainablilty development around the world.

3rd-5th June 2020 Dresden Nexus Conference, Germany

The Dresden Nexus Conference is a platform developed to advance the sustainable development agenda by bringing actors together who apply a Nexus Approach to resource management. These challenges was the focus of the third Dresden Nexus Conference (DNC) on 3–5 June 2020 under the theme “Circular Economy in a Sustainable Society”.

23rd-24th January 2020 Changetagung 2020 in Basel, Switzerland

On 23rd-24th of January, the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland FHNW is organizing the Changetagung 2020 in Basel, Switzerland. The Subject of the event is “Der Mensch in der Selbstorganisation” (The Human Being in Self-Organisation).

Here people come together who appreciate the cross-industry overview and the balancing act between science, business, culture and society. Managers exchange their knowledge with social workers and professors learn from practitioners and vice versa.

On the 24th of January from 9.00 am till 9.45 am, Dr. Petra Kuenkel will give a keynote speech with the topic “Meaning and Management – A Contribution to Co-Creative Future Shaping” (in German only).

Later that day, at 11.00 am Alina Gruen,  CLI’s Project Manager responsible for collaboration with the academic education sector will conduct a workshop on “Co-creative shaping of the future: A compass for collective leadership to the Strengthening self-organised systems” (in German only).


For more information see website:  (in German only)

13th-15th January 2020 Revision Summit 2020 in Berlin, Germany

The revision network is a network for a human-centric and technology-driven society. Dr. Petra Kuenkel will give a speech at the Revision Summit 2020 about “How can technology and Artificial Intelligence support humanity in enhancing global sustainability transformation?”.

10th - 11th December 2019 - Workshop „The Art of Leading Collectively“ IRI THESys Program at Humboldt University Berlin

As part of the IRI THESys Program of the Humboldt University Berlin Dr. Petra Kuenkel and Alina Gruen gave a workshop about “The Art of Leading Collectively”. Over two days they lectured about developing collaboration competency and dialogic skills for transdisciplinary research partnerships which the researchers are already in or are about to start.

3rd December 2019 - Lecture on „Stewarding Sustainability Transformations“ - Geography Colloquium, Humboldt University Berlin

Within the lecture series Geography Colloquium scholars, both from elsewhere and from the Geography Department of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin are invited to present their research. Dr. Petra Kuenkel spoke about „Stewarding Sustainability Transformations“ on Tuesday, 3rd December, at 4 pm. More information (German) here

3rd December 2019 - Keynote and panel discussion "How can networks become transformative?" - RENN.Tage Berlin

The RENN (Regional Nets Sustainability Strategies) support the creation of regional networks for sustainability strategies from private sector, public sector and civil society on different spatial levels in Germany. They host the confernce RENN.tage in December 2019 together with the German Council for Sustainable Development where Dr. Petra Kuenkel gave a keynote speech at 10.15 am. Afterwards she made a pitch and then took part at the panel discussion with focus on “How can networks become transformative?”. Find more information at the website (all information is in German).

21st October 2019 - Online input session "Why is a Collective Leadership Approach Paramount for Quality Healthcare in LMICs?" - ISQua's International Conference - Cape Town, South Africa

The International Society for Quality in Health held the 36th international conference, the whole programme can be found here.
Dr. Petra Kuenkel contributed online to the session about “Why is a Collective Leadership Approach Paramount for Quality Healthcare in LMICs?” and spoke together with Eilish McAuliffe und Aoife De Brún.

16th October - Keynote “Dialogic change in climate related participation process” and panel discussion “Addressing socio-economic effects in climate participation processes” - Climate Opportunity 2019

As part of the International Climate Initiative (IKI) the COBENEFITS project brings ministerial representatives and more than 150 international experts and leaders from science, public administration, politics, the private sector and civil society together in Berlin on the occasion of Climate Opportunity 2019: Co-Benefits for Just Energy Futures.

On October 16th Dr. Petra Kuenkel will give a keynote at 10.15 am to “Dialogic change in climate related participation process” and will join the panel discussion to “Addressing socio-economic effects in climate participation processes”, see the full program here

26th September, 6 pm - 8.30 pm, at "Hermann's" - Fireplace chat at Postdoc Academy for Transformational Leadership

Dr. Petra Kuenkel had a fireplace chat about “undisciplined” career pathways & choices with Martin Scheele and Jörg Niewöhner. This was part of the 4th module of the Postdoc academy for transformational leadership which was dedicated to “Developing capabilities and careers for transformtional leadership”. For more information please see the information at the IRI THESys site by the Humboldt University Berlin or the official website: Postdoc Academy for Transformational Leadership

5th September - Input and discussion „Spatial research for Anthropocene“

Since 1 July 2019, Prof. Dr. Marc Wolfram is the new director of the Leibniz Institute of Ecolocical Urban and Regional Development (IOER). and took over the chair of Spatial Development at the Technische Universität Dresden. The official inauguration ceremony and inaugural speech took place on 5 September at Zentralwerk Dresden-Pieschen and Dr. Petra Kuenkel joined the panel discussion about “Space as key to transformation”.

See photos and a report here (German)

28th - 30th August 2019 - KOSMOS Conference - Navigating the Sustainability Transformation in the 21st Century

From the 28th till 30th August the KOSMOS Conference – Navigating the Sustainability Transformation in the 21st Century  took place at the Humboldt University in Berlin.  On the 30th August Dr. Petra Kuenkel (CEO  and Co-founder of the Collective Leadership Institute) and Project Manager Alina Gruen attended the KOSMOS Conference. Dr Petra Kuenkel joined the first session of the expert forum from 12:30 pm-15:00 pm and the Public debate session from 18:00 pm-20:00 pm and explored the topic Transformation Literacy for a Responsible Anthropocene.

More on the expert forum and the public debate can be found here.

1st and 2nd of July 2019- New Business Models NBM Berlin 2019

On 1st and 2nd of July  Dr. Petra Kuenkel attended the conference New Business Models NBM Berlin 2019, where she joined a panel discussion „Rethinking Strategic Management: Can business lead the way to a sustainable future?” on 2nd of July from 17:00 to 18:00. Prof. Dr. Thomas Wunder from Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences hosted the panel discussion. He is the author of the book Rethinking Strategic Management. Sustainable Strategizing for Positive Impact with Dr. Kuenkel’s contribution “What Corporate Strategists Can Learn From International Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration ­- A Conceptual Architecture for Transformative Change”.

Click here to see the video of the panel discussion.

See Dr. Petra Kuenkel’s inputs directly:

  1. We don’t need competition but collaboration and co-creation as well as network-thinking – this is how we can “Stewarding Sustainability Transformations” (Minute 3:45)
  2. Neo-liberal narrative is outdated – we finally need to shift the narrative. (Minute 25:10)
  3. What does collaboration mean? Who needs to lead collaboration? (Minute 30:30)
  4. What’s the recommendation for the CEO’s out there for sustainable future? (Minute 45:05)
  5. 5 Mio € and 3 years’ time: What would you do to scale up impact? (Minute 48:00)
  6. One recommendation to the audience to move towards a sustainable future. (Minute 53:00)

More on the panel discussion and panelists can be found here: and here at page 16 in the PDF Document.

Source of the pictures: ESCP Europe Berlin, 02.07.2019:

Rethinking Strategic Management: Can business lead the way to a sustainable future?
6th-8th February 2019 Leverage Points - International Conference on Sustainability Research and Transformation

On the 6th-8th of February the Leverage Points – International Conference on Sustainability Research and Transformation took place at the Leuphana University in Lüneburg, Germany.

On the 6th February from 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.,  Dr. Petra Künkel is held the session “Systems Aliveness as a Key Component of Sustainability Transformation” and was part of the of the session “(1.8) Dancing with the system”.

On the 8th February from 13:45p.m. – 15:15p.m.,  the panel (6.9) took place on Sustainability Transformations where Petra Kuenkel had an interesting conversation with Karen O’Brien and Ray Ison.

More information on conference’s programme are available here.

More information on the Leverage Points Conference and registration can be found here.

4th December 2018 - Collective Leadership in National Health System reform for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland

On the 4th December Dr. Petra Kuenkel visited the University College Dublin to hold a key note speech about the Colleactive Leadership approach in the National Health System reform for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland with the focus on “Collective Leadership in Healthcare: Development, Implementation and Evaluation Network”.

After the keynote speech, during a break out session, Dr. Petra Kuenkel fostered researchers, policy makers, leaders and change agents from various geographic areas across the UK and Ireland, to work toward the common goal of developing collective leadership in healthcare, that will lay the foundation for ongoing measurement and evaluation that will enable the development of an evidence base to support current and future initiatives in this area.

The session provided the opportunity to begin to develop an international network for collective leadership research and practice in healthcare. Watch the full keynote speech here.

This Seminar have been jointly led by the HRB-funded Co-Lead research team in UCD and the NHS Improvement team working on Culture and Leadership in the NHS.

Annual Meeting of the German society CLUB OF ROME e.V.

On the 30th November Dr. Petra Kuenkel will spoke about the structures and ways of thinking for sustainability and transformation within the Annual Meeting of the German society Club of Rome e.V. The Annual Meeting gathers people from various sectors who share the concern for the humankind and the planet. The aim of the annual conference is to cultivate the spirit for changing perspectives, processes of reflection and further development.

More information on conference’s timeline and registration details are available here.

More information on the German society Club of rome e.V. can be found here.

16th -18th October 2018 - Annual General Assembly and 50th Anniversary Conference of The Club of Rome

This year, the Annual General Assembly of the Club of Rome took place in Rome and was followed by a 2-day 50th Anniversary Conference, open to the public, on the Sustainability Challenges for a World of 10 Billion People.

On the 17th – 18th October the Conference brought together an outstanding group of cutting-edge speakers. The aim of the conference has been to increase awareness about the obstacles humanity is facing today,  and start focusing on new ideas and initiatives designed to make the world more sustainable.

On the 18th October, Dr. Petra Kuenkel, member of the executive committee of the Club of Rome, Head of the Club of Rome working group on Transformations Literacy and founder and exective director of the Collective Leadership Institute discussed together with Hans Herren (President Millenium Institute), Enrico Giovanni (Universitá die Roma Tor Vergata, Spokeperson Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development) and Frans Timmermans (Vice President European Commision) during the keynote conversation “The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)-Today’s Implementation Challenges”  ( session time 13:30-15:15) how best to think global and act local, how to implement the SDGs, and how to turn challenges into potentials.

During the 2 days 50th Anniversary Conference of The Club of Rome, further topics were addressed, llike:

  1. Adressing a Planetary Emergency: Global Climate Change
  2. What Economy is Needed for a World of 10 Billion People?
  3. Prospects for Renewable Energy and a True Green Economy
  4. Insuring Humanity Survives the Anthropocene
  5. Human Values for the Anthropocene

See the full programme here



Dr. Petra Kuenkel's Speech on Stewarding Sustainability Transformations at the Annual General Assembly of the Club of Rome.
A Pattern Approach to Stewarding Sustainability Transformation
How the 17 SDGs can become a starting point for Transformative Change

Dr. Petra Kuenkel explores how the 17 SDGs can become a starting point for Transformative Change with the conceptual background and application of CLI's core methodological approach, the Collective Leadership Compass. Download the Collective Leadership Studies Volume 5 "A Pattern Approach to Stewarding Sustainability Transformation" now.

See further Publications Download here
28th August 2018 - Zukunft denken - Welt erhalten! 50 Jahre Club of Rome / Thinking the future - preserving the world! 50 years Club of Rome

On the 28th August 2018 the Forum “Thinking the future – preserving the world! 50 years Club of Rome” took place in the  Convention Center Castle Herrenhausen in Hannover, Germany.

Together with Prof. Dr. Mojib Latif (Head of Research Unit Maritime Meteorology, GEOMAR – Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research Kiel), Prof. Dr. Claudia Kemfert (Head of Energy Department, Transport and Environment, German Institute for Economic Research / Professor of Energy Economics and Sustainability, Hertie School of Governance),  Prof. Dr. Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker (Co-president, Club of Rome / University of Freiburg), Dr. Petra Kuenkel (Founder and Managing Director of the Collective Leadership Institute) discussed the questions When are the limits of growth exceeded? and the Future of the Club of Rome with its possible future tasks.

Listen to what Dr. Petra Kuenkel explained during the keynote conversation (German Language)

Link to the complete audio recording of the event (German Language)

Further information please find here.

27th August 2018 - European Forum Alpbach - Political Symposium

From 15th – 31st August 2018 the European Forum Alpbach will take place in Alpbach, Austria.

On the 27th August 2018, whithin the European Forum a Political Symposium took place where the Club of Rome facilitated the break out session Nr. 16 “Promoting Sustainable Development” from 10:00 a.m. until 12:30 p.m.

Together with Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker, Michael K. Dorsey, Maja Goepel, Kristin Vala Ragnarsdottir, Sandrine Dixson-Decleve, Petra Kuenkel talked about New economic and political models that are necessary to decouple economic prosperity from growth imperatives, and capital flows from the destruction of natural assets. Diversity and resilience should be key components of redesigned governance systems to achieve sustainable development and the well-being of citizens. The important question was “Which are the impact strategies, transformation pathways and indicators we are best to follow in order to achieve a vision for sustainability?”

Further information please find here or get in contact with Alina Grün:

The Art of Leading Collectively
Co-Creating a Sustainable, Socially Just Future

The new book by Dr. Petra Kuenkel with foreword by Ernst Ulrich von Weizsaecker, is a guide to collaborative impact for leaders in industry, government, and social change networks.

Learn more Order here
3rd - 4th July 2018 - Summer Leadership Lab - "Leadership for the future"

On the 3rd – 4th July 2018, the Summer Leadership Lab took place in Denmark in Søhuset Konferencecenter in Hørsholm.

Given the enormous changes in global conditions, and accelerated pace of continuing change, what kinds of leadership will be essential for thriving organizations for the future?

Dr. Petra Kuenkel is a thought leader on re-inventing leadership as a collective competence and her practical work is grounded in living systems and complexity science. She has a profound background in conceptualizing leadership development in multinational corporations and in dialogic change as an approach to transformation in complex social systems. She created an inspiring keynote speech about her perspective and the perspective of the Collective Leadership Institute on leadership challenges and solutions for the future. Our colleague Stephanie Langsch gave the speech and together with the participants as well as multiple voices from other known speakers they actively actively co-created visions of future leadership.

Further information please find here or get in contact with Alina Grün:

18th - 20th June 2018 - Symposium Transformative Designs for Sustainability - Facilitating mindshifts for collective action and Anthropocene prosperity

On  the 18th – 20th June 2018  the Symposium “Transformative Designs for Sustainability – Facilitating mindshifts for collective action and Anthropocene prosperity” took place in Hannover , Germany.

The Transformation Lab is an interactive and co-creative event with a diverse community of scientists and practitioners that connects the inner journey to transformative collective behavior change with deliberate process designs and transformative structural interventions. The Transformation Lab builds on the insight that transformative and systemic change can start at all levels and for all issues. Furthermore, it follows the idea that the human capability to design and steward change is at the core of a responsible Anthropocene.

The two main conceptual and methodological approaches the Transformation Lab is based on are The Collective Leadership Compass (CLI – Collective Leadership Institute: and the roceedings of the project: „A Mindset for the Anthropocene“ (IASS – Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies:

The conceptual thinkers behind the Transformation Lab are Dr. Petra Kuenkel and Dr. Thomas Bruhn.

Dr. Petra Kuenkel is a Full Member of The International Club of Rome and the Executive Director and Co-Founder of the Collective Leadership Institute. She is a leading strategic advisor to pioneering international initiatives that address complex sustainability issues in collaboration. Dr. Petra Kuenkel promotes the scaling-up of collaboration skills and transformation literacy for change agents from the private sector, public sector and civil society. With more than 3000 Alumni globally the institute has built transformation competencies for sustainability change agents around the globe. On the basis of more than 20 years experience in complex change, in-depth research into systems transformation and complexity science she has developed the COLLECTIVE LEADERSHIP COMPASS. The methodology has taken many international collaborative initiatives to success. It invigorates the human competencies for collective action and value-based collaboration. More recently she developed the Compass into a conceptual architecture for transformative change designs.

Dr. Thomas Bruhn is a physicist working transdisciplinarily at the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) Potsdam since 2012.
Since 2016 he is leading the project AMA (A Mindset for the Anthropocene) on the question how the cultivation of mental qualities like mindfulness and compassion can contribute to sustainability. He is also engaged in research on collective learning and co-creation in the context of political decision-making for sustainability.
His earlier work at the IASS focused on the implications of climate engineering and CO2 utilisation. Before joining the IASS he did research in the field of semiconductor nanomaterials and self-organization.
Thomas’ key ambition is to bring together a variety of stakeholders in reflexive processes that allow for the emergence of truly shared perspectives and action pathways for a context-specific implementation of specific sustainability targets. He is a member of the thinktank30 (tt30) of the Club of Rome and the German Association of Scientists (VDW).

Further information please find here or get in contact with Stephanie Langsch:

18th May 2018 - 2nd Workshop FairMagnet - Achieving more together: Sustainable mining and processing of rare earths for magnet production

On 18th May 2018, the 2nd Workshop “FairMagnet – Achieving more together: Sustainable mining and processing of rare earths for magnet production” took place in Bonn, Germany.

At the second workshop of FairMagnet, representatives of industry, civil society, state and federal authorities as well as research institutions came together to discuss the further development of FairMagnet to an international standard. FairMagnet is a German-Chinese cooperation between raw magnet manufacturers in China and raw magnet importers from Germany to support sustainable supply chains from mining to end use. They performed previously through German Investment Corporation (DEG) and develoPPP and want to transform towards Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships.

Dr. Petra Kuenkel gave a workshop session about Multi-Stakheolder Partnerships where she explained how to leverage Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships for systemic change in responsible value chains. This workshop is a contribution towards the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal number 12 “Responsible Consumption and Production – Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.” In order to bring change around the SDGs, partnerships are essential to implement the goals. That is why the Collective Leadership Institute sees the Sustainable Development Goal number 17 ” Partnerships for the Goals – Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development” as key capacitiy.

Further information please find here or get in contact with Alina Grün:

Book Dr. Kuenkel as a Speaker

The new paradigm we must establish is about creating systems that bring out the best in us!
Book Dr. Petra Kuenkel as a passionate Keynote Speaker for your Event and get inspired by her mind changing and empowering speech.
Request available times from the German CLI Office: germany[at]

Learn more Dr. Petra Kuenkel as a Speaker
8th April 2018 The 50th Anniversary of the Club of Rome

The Club of Rome was celebrating its 50th Birthday.

Since its foundation in 1968 the Club of Rome is an important actor in helping humanity understanding its environmental responsibilities and its social liabilities as well as development.

Dr. Petra Kuenkel is a full member of the Club of Rome and part of the visionary network that strives to make a difference through scientific research, dialogue and promotion of the impactful results.

Together with like-minded colleagues and friends Dr. Petra Kuenkel commemorated this historic event in Switzerland. You can find some photos of the event as well as selected news reporting here.


For more information please contact Alina Grün:

29th March 2018 Conference "Sustainable Development Goals: you cannot escape it" in Rheden, Netherlands

On 29th March 2018 Dr. Petra Kuenkel was invited to give a keynote speech and an expert input at the conference “Sustainable Development Goals: you can not escape it” in Rheden, Netherlands.

The conference was focusing on implementation of the SDGs in municipalities. About 150 people with several representatives from different municipalities and VNG International were present to exchange about key success factors for implementation the SDGs and creating positive impact.

Dr. Petra Kuenkel spoke about how to make this work in practice. Here is an excerpt from Dr. Petra Kuenkel’s speech:

With the Agenda 2030 “Transforming Our World” we have – for the first time in human history – a global agreement on our joint future. But the ambitious vision will only work, if life improves at the local level. Municipalities can become the key drivers in implementing the SDGs. Leading transformative change collectively in networks and collaboration across sectors or stakeholder groups is paramount.

For more information please contact Alina Grün:

20th March 2018 Lecture on Patterns of Aliveness Theory at Institute for Advances Sustainability Studies

Dr. Petra Kuenkel gave her lecture on:

Patterns of Aliveness – an Emerging Theory for Stewarding Sustainability Transformation in the Era of the Anthropocene

at IASS Potsdam – Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V.  – Berliner Strasse 130, 14467 Potsdam, Germany

The IASS was officially founded in 2009 as a joint initiative of the German Federal Government, the Federal State of Brandenburg and the research organisations of the German Science Alliance. In its research the IASS aims to merge all relevant types of knowledge – both within and outside science – in order to jointly find solutions that help to initiate, support and scientifically accompany the transformation to sustainable development.

Patterns of Aliveness – an Emerging Theory for Stewarding Sustainability Transformation in the Era of the Anthropocene

The introduction of the term Anthropocene has raised awareness that humans are responsible for the planet as a whole. The question remains if an emerging sense of responsibility will grow quickly enough to induce a change in human behavior. Human-made technology has the power to change the entire planetary socio-ecological system in an unprecedented way. Risk and opportunity move closer together: moving beyond the threshold of planetary boundaries might spark spiraling dynamics. Hence, understanding more about the How of accelerating patterns of transformative change for sustainability has therefore been widely identified as a future research challenge which Dr. Petra Kuenkel discussed in her lecture.

For more information please visit the website of the IASS or get in contact with Alina Grün:

9th - 10th November 2017 Annual General Meeting of the Club of Rome

Petra Kuenkel, full member of the Club of Rome, participated at the Annual General Meeting of the Club of Rome with the topic “The Political Crisis in the West”. Find out about Petra Kuenkel’s workshop session: Why is the way we design and implement sustainability transformation so important?

For more information please contact Alina Grün:

11th October 2017 Österreichischer CSR-Tag / Austrian CSR-Day
Auf der Veranstaltung “Österreichischer CSR-Tag. Better together – Partnerschaften erfolgreich umsetzen!” in Linz, Österreich, wurde der Frage “Wie gestaltet man Partnerschaften erfolgreich, damit Potentiale genutzt und innovative Lösungen hervorgebracht werden können?” nachgegangen. Petra Künkel nahm als Expertin für Kollektive Führung und Kooperationen an dem ExpertInnenpanel Collaborate to Create teil.  Des Weiteren hat Petra Künkel eine interaktive und wissensreiche Workshopsession “Komplexität von Partnerschaftsprozessen managen – der Kompass für Kollektive Führung als Orientierung und Planungsunterstützung” gehalten.

Für weitere Informationen klicken Sie hier oder wenden Sie sich an Alina Grün:

At the event “Österreichischer CSR-Tag. Better together – Partnerschaften erfolgreich umsetzen(Austrian CSR Day – Better Together – Successfully Implementing Partnerships!) in Linz, Austria, the question of “How do you successfully form partnerships so that potentials can be used and innovative solutions can be produced?” was investigated. As an expert for collective leadership and collaboration, Petra Kuenkel took part in the expert panel Collaborate to Create. Furthermore, Petra Kuenkel held an interactive and knowledge-rich workshop session “Complexity of Partnership Processes – the Compass for Collective Leadership as Orientation and Planning Support”. (German language only)

For more information click here or contact Alina Grün:

05th September 2017 Potsdam Summer School

The fourth Potsdam Summer School from the 4th to the 13th of September 2017 addressed the central question: “How can transdisciplinary knowledge production be integrated into inclusive governance processes towards the achievement of sustainable development as in the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?”

30th Aug - 01st Sep 2017 Transformations 2017: Transformations in Practice

Transformations 2017 –  In Scotland (the UK) at the University of Dundee, the third in a biennial series of international interdisciplinary conferences took place on transformations towards sustainability, addressing contemporary challenges, and creating conditions for enhancing people’s well-being today and in the future while strengthening the Earth’s support system. Petra Kuenkel presented two practice sessions.

16th May 2017 - Meeting of Club of Rome Members in Europe

On the 16th of May 2017, the European Club of Rome Members met in Brussels.

OECD Workshop – Measuring Business Impacts on People’s Well - Being
From the 23rd to 24th of February 2017, Petra Künkel, the Collective Leadership Institute’s Co-Founder and Executive Director, participated in a workshop on Measuring Business Impacts on People’s Well-being at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) headquarters in Paris.
Collaboration is key to SDG implementation – but how to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals?

During the Second High-Level Meeting of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation in Nairobi, Kenya, Petra Kuenkel facilitated a side event on “Raising the bar for effective partnering”.

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