CLI’s tailor-made solutions are highly oriented towards achieving concrete results. We bring team members and partners into intense exchange. Project-focused work on your real cases and challenges takes place at your venue of choice – be it in your offices or off-site.
Bringing your team and partners together to work on a specific training goal can have a trickledown effect on how they continue to work together after the training(s). Throughout the intervention, participants partake actively in practical exercises based on their concrete needs, applying practical tools and thereby accomplishing tasks directly relevant to their work. The combination of theory, personal reflection, and practical exercises helps build stronger trust and relationships within the stakeholder system.
- Improve Skills: learn to use CLI’s tools like the Dialogic Change Model and the Collective Leadership Compass
- Manage complexity in projects
- Bring different interest groups together
- Learn how to engage stakeholders
- Design result-oriented processes
- Get high-quality and sustainable results
- Leverage collective intelligence
- Develop dialogic facilitation skills
- Customize your training experience