The Collective Leadership Institute contributes with inspirational speeches on the progress in global transformations
Dr. Petra Kuenkel as a Speaker

Dr. Petra Kuenkel, full member of the International Club of Rome, is a leading strategic advisor to pioneering international multi-stakeholder initiatives that tackle common goods and sustainability issues. As the Founder and Honorary President of the Collective Leadership Institute, she promotes the scaling-up of global transformation and system theory awareness, as well as leadership and collaboration skills for people from the private sector, public sector, and civil society. She is a pioneering thinker on re-inventing leadership as a collective competence and has a profound background in leadership development and in conceptualizing dialogic change as an approach to effective change leadership in complex systems. She fosters mindset change among decision-makers and has developed a methodology for invigorating human competences that support result-oriented and value-based collaboration for the common good. Dr. Petra Kuenkel is the author of the ground-breaking book “The Art of Leading Collectively”, published by Chelsea Green Publishing in the US.

Examples of Petra's speeches
Dr. Petra Kuenkel's Keynote on "A change of perspective" at the 10th Aniversary Congreso Futuro

On 18th December 2020, Dr. Petra Kuenkel gave a Keynote speech on  A change in perspective at the 10th Aniversary Congreso Futuro where she  explains the connection between the Corona crisis, the Climate crisis and digitalization and humans ability to embrace uncertainty through the support of new perspectives.

It’s now or never. Humanity needs solutions to the complex problems that affect it, and one discipline will not be enough to think about the new tomorrow. This session makes visible the need to unite all fields of knowledge to find common solutions to these crisis for the common good.

Video reference: Congreso Futuro

Video in English language with subtitles in Spanish language

Dr. Petra Kuenkel's Keynote on "How can we balance planet, purpose and profit?" at the Global Goals Forum 2022

On 11 October 2022 Dr. Petra Kuenkel gave a Keynote speech on “How can we balance planet, purpose and profit?at the Global Goals Forum. On the occasion of the Rio+30 activities, the 2. Global Goals Forum was examining the question of how globalization can be readjusted. Climate protection, minimum wages, human rights, sustainability – companies are increasingly confronted with society’s moral expectations and face the challenge of meeting them under the tough competitive conditions of a globalized world. Topics such as corporate governance and CSR are booming. But many companies still find it difficult to reflect such opportunities and risks in their traditional management structures.

“Our economic model is destabilising societies. And the planet. It’s really time for an upgrade on the way we distribute wealth.” (Quote from the keynote)

Video reference: Global Goals

Video in English language with subtitles in English available

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SystemTalk #19 on How to get people in collective action to design and implement Systems Change

Gitta Peyn from FORMWELTen-Institute invited Dr. Petra Kuenkel and Alina Gruen to her SystemTalk to exchange on “How to get people in collective action to design and implement Systems Change”.

Enjoy the exchange between Gitta Peyn, Dr. Petra Künkel, and Alina Gruen about challenges at relationship level, necessities of change in our hearts and lives for all of us to thrive.

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"Patterns of Aliveness – an Emerging Theory for Stewarding Sustainability Transformation in the Era of the Anthropocene"

On the 20th March 2018, Dr. Petra Kuenkel gave her inspirational speech “Patterns of Aliveness  – an Emerging Theory for Stewarding Sustainability Transformation in the Era of the Anthropocene” at the IASS Potsdam – Institut for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V.

The introduction of the term Anthropocene has raised awareness that humans are responsible for the planet as a whole. The question remains if an emerging sense of responsibility will grow quickly enough to induce a change in human behavior. Human-made technology has the power to change the entire planetary socio-ecological system in an unprecedented way. Risk and opportunity move closer together: moving beyond the threshold of planetary boundaries might spark spiraling dynamics. Hence, understanding more about the How of accelerating patterns of transformative change for sustainability has therefore been widely identified as a future research challenge which Dr. Petra Kuenkel discussed in her lecture.

"How to unleash the potential of collaboration? - Leading collectively as a pathway to effectiveness"

ACCIÓN Conference 23 Aug 2016 – 16th meeting on Sustainable Development in Santiago de Chile, CHILE

Petra Kuenkel as Keynote Speaker with her speech “How to unleash the potential of collaboration? – Leading collectively as a pathway to effectiveness”

Every year, ACCIÓN holds a seminar on the latest trends in sustainability and related topics, which is considered the country’s most influential event in the field, attended by more than 1,000 people and broadcast via online streaming to many more.

Collaboration is a powerful transformative force for increasing productivity and efficiency for resource use. Effective collaboration is the product of a constructive relationship between social actors and economic agents. Currently, thanks to the contributions of new technologies and people’s growing desire to participate, effective collaboration allows for the optimization of resource use to achieve further growth, while also finding a balance between this growth, social development, and protection of the environment.

ACCIÓN’s belief is that the productivity agenda will be credible, appealing, and sustainable if economic, political, and social leaders are capable of adopting it under the logic of collaboration. This is affirmed by goal 17 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which is aimed at creating partnerships and collaborating with other actors in order to achieve the other 16 goals that address problems that are specific to humanity and the planet.

This is not an isolated vision. The voices of experts, academics, entrepreneurs, and leaders in society and the environment are coming forth to give an account of their experiences in this field, and to advocate for the pathway of collaboration as the only way to face the world’s current challenges.

Petra Kuenkel asks "How can we shift the way we co-create?" at WIN Conference

At the WIN Conference 2015 in Rome, Petra Künkel helped the audience gain a powerful understanding of how to work in a multi-stakeholder environment in a more ethical and transparent way with her speech “How can we shift the way we co-create?”.

The Art of Leading Collectively
Co-Creating a Sustainable, Socially Just Future

The new book by Dr. Petra Kuenkel with foreword by Ernst Ulrich von Weizsaecker, is a guide to collaborative impact for leaders in industry, government, and social change networks.

Learn more Order here
Book Dr. Kuenkel as a Speaker
Book Dr. Kuenkel as a speaker

The new paradigm we must establish is about creating systems that bring out the best in us!
Book Dr. Petra Kuenkel as a passionate Keynote Speaker for your Event and get inspired by her mind changing and empowering speech.

Contact CLI

Do you need a passionate Keynote Speaker for your Sustainability, CSR, or Leadership Event? Are you planning a conference or high level meeting on improving collaboration among multiple stakeholders and need inspring input?

Find inspiration in Dr. Petra Kuenkel’s mind-changing and empowering speeches. Request terms and available times from CLI: germany[at]collectiveleadership.com.

20160615 - Brussels , Belgium - 2016 June 15th - European Development Days - Strengthening multistakeholder partnerships to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals - Petra Kuenkel , Executive Director , Collective Leadership Institute © European Union
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