Global Projects
CLI's impact globally
Young Peacebuilders: Building Peace – From the Indside Out
Young Peacebuiders Program

CLI launched the Young Peacebuilders Program, bringing together 10 amazing change agents from around the World in its first 2024 group.

Social conflict and war – and the collective trauma they leave in their wake – are a daily reality for too many people around the world. Young peacebuilders living in such settings often lack support, both in terms of looking inward to address their own challenges and looking outward to collectively lead peacebuilding dialogues, initiatives, and networks. This program seeks to make a meaningful contribution to supporting our diverse, young champions for peace. It seeks to help participants identify pathways for working toward greater peace in themselves, while enhancing their work for peace in their communities.

Project Facts:
Young Peacebuilders: Building Peace – From the Indside Out

Project time: 2024

Sector(s): civil society

Main SDG: 16 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Stakeholders: 10 young changemakers (under 35 years old) in DR Congo, Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan, South Africa, Tunisia, Uganda, Ukraine, United States

Outcome: young peacebuilders participated experiential archetypal dreamwork sessions for inner peace, they participated CLI’s workshops on collective leadership, stakeholder collaboration, and transformative change for outer peace, they participated coaching sessions, and developed or further advanced their peacebuilding projects

CLI Project Managers: Dominic Stucker, Martin Fielko, Guillem Vallbona

The Art of Transformative Change

- 4 days of online-training
- core methodologies: CLI Collective Leadership Compass and Dialogic Change Model
- tuition fee: € 2,000 in-person, € 1,500 online
Registration status: OPEN

16 December — 19 December 2024
Collective Leadership Institute gGmbH, Kurfürstenstraße, Potsdam, Germany
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Transformation Literacy Conferences

The year 2022 signaled a milestone: 50 years had passed since the first publication of the Club of Rome’s “Limits to Growth”. CLI took action for the need to transform our societies, our economies, and our thinking to the degree needed for regenerating our planet with its Transformation Literacy Conference.

We need tools that are not only grounded in science and practice but also available to everyone: we all need to become masters in the language of transformation. What needs to happen together to enable this transformation? Six mutually supportive Transformation Enablers – each of them a necessary component to become a transformation literacy master – structure each conference, yet their mutually supportive character means that we need to combine them to be able to clearly see the path and the actions needed to lead us collectively toward a better world.

No single actor has all the solutions, but each actor may essentially contribute a parcel of knowledge, a puzzle piece that counts. Partnering and networks of multi-stakeholder collaboration between business, NGOs, government, the UN, and communities are essential to achieve the SDGs. The annual Transformation Literacy Conference is the place for them to meet, exchange, and start new collaborations.

Project Facts:
Transformation Literacy Conferences

Project time: since 2022 ongoing

Sector(s): civil society, public sector, private sector

Main SDG: 17 Partnerships for the Goals

Stakeholders: changemakers worldwide

Outcome: in total 984 participants (all figures cumulated as of TLC2024), 16 sessions, 63 speakers, 9 conference partners; the six Transformation Enablers are recognized as entry points and drivers of transformative change, transformation researchers and practictioners have an annual platform to learn, exchange, and collaborate

CLI Project Managers: Elisabeth Kuehn, Dominic Stucker, Douglas F. Williamson, Martin Fielko (conference concept invented by Dr. Petra Kuenkel)

Platform for Multi-Actor Partnerships (MAP)
Partnerships 2030 - Platform for Multi-Actor Partnerships (MAP)

In an effort to support the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the German platform for Multi-Stakeholder Partnership (MAP) offers a learning and capacity building space on partnering. In support of Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs) 17 (Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development), partnerships between CSOs, governments and private sector organizations are key enablers for meeting global challenges and fulfilling the SDGs . The initiative by the German Ministry for Development and Economic Cooperation, the German Federal Enterprise for International Cooperation, Engagement Global – bengo, and the Collective Leadership Institute aims to offer guidance to actors in partnerships and create an exchange on improving partnering processes.

Since 2016, CLI has been the expert for stakeholder dialogues and collaboration processes in the MAP programme. To enhance the design and implementation of collaboration processes with multiple stakeholders, bengo, on behalf of BMZ, offers capacity building through seminars and short focus sessions for German civil society actors and their local partners facilitated by the Collective Leadership Institute (CLI). In 2020, a new advanced training format and online seminars were introduced. In 2023, the foundation and advanced online modules were updated, and trainings in Spanish and French were added to the MAP programme.

Project Facts:
Platform for Multi-Actor Partnerships (MAP)

Project time: 2016-2020, 2023-2024

Sector(s): civil society

Main SDG: 17 Partnerships

Stakeholders: >200 leaders of German civil society organisations and their counterparts in other countries

Outcome: Civil society organisation leaders were trained in establishing multi-stakeholder initiatives. Further support was offered by CLI in the form of webinars, advisory, feasibility studies, and engagement missions on-site with local implementation partners.

CLI Project Managers: Dr. Petra Kuenkel, Sabine Heckmann, Theresa Kuschka, Guillem Vallbona

Facilitating Safe and Inclusive Trade: Supporting the Secretariat of a Global Partnership
Online training series with the Secretariat for the Standards and Trade Development Facility

CLI had the pleasure of co-organizing and delivering a highly interactive, online training series with the Secretariat for the Standards and Trade Development Facility (STDF). The STDF is a global partnership to facilitate safe trade, established in 2001 by the:
• Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
• World Bank Group (WBG)
• World Health Organization (WHO)
• World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) and
• World Trade Organization (WTO).

Project Facts:
Facilitating Safe and Inclusive Trade: Supporting the Secretariat of a Global Partnership

Project time: 2022

Sector(s): public sector

Main SDG: 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth

Stakeholders: the STDF Secretariat team.

Outcome: the team developed a shared language and mutual support for leading collectively to deliver on the STDF’s worksteams in support of the SDGs and applied the Collective Leadership Compass to assess selected STDF workstreams and identified recommendations for enhancing collaborations in
support of the SDGs.

CLI Project Managers: Dominic Stucker, Maryana Zaviyska

Collaboration and Dialogue Capacity for Delivering on Migration Governance and Diaspora Engagement
Migration Governance and Diaspora Engagement in Indonesia

CLI had a project in cooperation with the Programme Migration & Diaspora (PMD), implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), in three countries: Ghana, Indonesia, and Serbia. CLI offered intensive 3-module leadership training courses that certified successful participants as Collective Leadership Specialists. The training courses were intended for professionals from government, civil society, the private sector, academia, and other relevant organizations who are working on migration governance and diaspora engagement topics in each of the three countries. The project began at the end of 2020 and ran until the beginning of 2022.

Project Facts:
Collaboration and Dialogue Capacity for Delivering on Migration Governance and Diaspora Engagement

Project time: 2020-2022

Sector(s): public sector, civil society, private sector

Main SDG: 16 Good Governance

Stakeholders: Professionals from government, civil society, the private sector, academia, working on migration governance and diaspora engagement topics in Ghana, Indonesia, and Serbia.

Outcome: Professionals from three countries are trained in collective leadership, stakeholder collaboration, and facilitating multi-stakeholder dialogues to create good dialogue and co-creation around concrete migration and diaspora initiatives and policies.

CLI Project Managers: Douglas F. Williamson, Dominic Stucker, Lulekwa Ggiba, Stephanie Langsch, Maryana Zaviyska

Towards wellbeing on a healthy planet
Fostering a femxle* revolution in economic thinking

This is a a tremendously exciting collective online and offline process of networking, exchange, learning, influencing, strategizing and co-shaping a global manifesto for a new economic architecture. The members in the 36×36 femxle transformation network will receive a recognized professional education  in “Strategizing Transformative Change” and a certification as Collective Leadership Specialist by completing a highly effective practice-orientated online competence building course. This course will strengthen collaboration and network capacities as well as strategic leadership skills.This program will be hosted online between February and October 2021. A global gathering is planned  at the end of September 2021.

*In response to a global trend the term femxle/ womxn is used throughout this project to be inclusive and encompass all persons identifying as female/ woman.

Strategizing transformative change

Visit the CLI project website

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Project Facts:
Towards wellbeing on a healthy planet

Project time: 2021

Sector(s): private sector, civil society, public sector

Main SDG: 10 Reduced Inequalities

Stakeholders: 36 young femxle leaders from around the globe

Outcome: 36×36 femxle transformation members are trained in strategizing transformative change, have created a global manifesto for a new economic architecture, and presented the manifesto in a public event.

CLI Project Managers: Dr. Petra Kuenkel, Elisabeth Kuehn, Lulekwa Gqiba, Alina Gruen

Common Code for the Coffee Community
4C - Common Code for the Coffee Community

Founded in 2006, the 4C Association uses the Stakeholder Dialogue approach to work towards sustainability and improved conditions for all participants of the coffee value chain. There are 200+ members adhering to the 4C Code of Conduct, which consists of 28 social, environmental, and economic principles, as well as 10 Unacceptable Practices. All four phases of the Dialogic Change Model have been implemented effectively, helping members and stakeholders overcome differences in background, interests, and worldviews.

Project Facts:
Common Code for the Coffee Community

Project time: 2003-2008

Sector(s): private sector, public sector, civil society

Main SDG: 12 Responsible Consumption and Production

Stakeholders: >200 members of the 4C Association

Outcome: An international strategic alliance for sustainability and responsible supply chain management in the coffee sector was established. Coffee trade and industry, coffee producer organisations and international civil society organisations joined forces to continuously improve the social, environmental and economic conditions for the people making their living with coffee.

CLI Project Manager: Dr. Petra Kuenkel

Build your collaboration skills

CLIs courses in stakeholder collaboration and collective leadership are tried and tested. Find out about these courses in open or tailor-made formats.

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