Human activity is exceeding planetary boundaries, the very systems that make life on Earth possible. Food, water, and energy systems are threatened, as well as healthcare, education, and social services, and democracy, justice, and peace. Metrics that foster resource extraction instead of regeneration and narratives that highlight dominance and glorify past achievements instead of partnerships and future possibilities are still commonplace in many areas. As a result of the obvious gap between what is needed for people and planet, and what is actually done, polarization is spreading all over the place.
Therefore and with the urgency of only five years to go to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, efforts to drive sustainability transformations need empowering metrics for goal setting and measuring progress, as well as enlivening narratives that offer future perspectives and create shared responsibility. This year, CLI’s Transformation Literacy Conference is identifying ways how sustainable development can be measured through metrics that ensure transparency, offer feedback systems and responsive criteria, and how sustainable development goals can be embedded into narratives that are empowering, depolarize societies, and serve humanity and the planet.
You are free to choose whether your would only like to participate a single session, or the whole conference. With your ticket you have access to all online sessions and networking opportunities, and you can choose whether you would like to join us in-person for the conference kick-off event in Potsdam, Germany (travel and accommodation is on your own expense).