Articles with tag "Collective Leadership"


Інститут колективного лідерства (CLI) – це неурядова організація з глибоким досвідом у впровадженні нової парадигми лідерства в процеси та проекти з участю багатьох зацікавлених сторін з метою досягнення Цілей сталого розвитку.

The Global Partnership Index

Moving from dominator to partnership societies requires indicators. CLI's Global Partnership Index methodology provides decision-makers and the public with tools to measure progress on partnership efforts and achievements.

The Transformative Partnership Award

Recognizing exceptional multi-stakeholder partnerships - An award for projects and initiatives worldwide that drive transformative change through a multi-stakeholder approach and contribute to the achievement of the SDGs.

Leading Transformative Change Collectively

A Practitioner Guide to Realizing the SDGs

Global Projects

CLI's impact globally

Projects in the Americas

CLI's impact in the Americas

Stewarding Sustainability Transformations

An Emerging Theory and Practice of SDG Implementation


Об Институте коллективного лидерства (ИКЛ)

Short Courses

Introductions to collective leadership and stakeholder collaboration


Über das CLI