Stakeholder Collaboration has been recognised as critical to finding solutions to the complex challenges of sustainable development. At CLI, we see Stakeholder Collaboration as the art of respectfully turning differences into progress. But as with all arts, there are skills you need to develop in order to succeed, to know when and how to use dialogue, and when to take action.
In this course module, you will build your strategic abilities and implementation skills in stakeholder engagement, dialogue, and collaboration processes for high impact solutions.
Your key take-aways:
- Learn how to successfully implement stakeholder collaboration through the application of the Dialogic Change Model
- Understand the business case for co-creative stakeholder engagement
- Learn how collective intelligence, commitment, and ownership can emerge
- Produce a stakeholder network map to prioritise engagement activities
- Develop new engagement strategies to minimise unproductive conflict and a methodology to create sustainable partnerships
The training schedule for presence days is:
5 November: Concept and Form of Stakeholder Dialogues
6 November: Exploring and Engaging for Stakeholder Dialogues
7 November: Building and Formalizing Stakeholder Dialogues
8 November: Implementing and Evaluating Stakeholder Dialogues, Sustaining and Expanding Impact
+++ Important information +++
This training is planned as a hybrid event – both in-person participation in Potsdam, Germany, and online participation at Central European Time (CET) are possible. Please choose your format when you register.
CLI reserves the right to change an in-person participation into an online participation if you do not get your visa on time or other short-term notice reasons prevent you from coming to the course venue. Furthermore, the same applies if new pandemic situations occur that do not allow your participation on-site. Registrations remain valid in any of the cases given. We will come back to you individually in such situations and find the best possible solutions together.